Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Heber Here We Came

So for Christmas this year my dear Mom had a great idea. Instead of presents she got us all a room at the Homestead so we could have a little getaway. We left Saturday about noon and headed up to Soldier Hollow, which is right outside of Midway to go sledding. It was absolutely beautiful up there and we had a blast. It was nice because they provide huge comfy tubes and you get pulled up the hill on a tow rope. Now thats the way to sled! Arlo seemed a bit tentative at first but he had a great time. I think the hills scared him a bit. His faces were priceles while we were sliding down. I could never tell just quite how he was feeling. He went from huge grins and some giggles to his jaw clenched with his eyes wider than they should be. When we got down one of the particularly fast hills he looked at me and said "See that wasn't so bad!" It just cracked me up because I could tell he was trying to convince himself. Heres some pics of the sledding below

After sledding we headed back to the lodge to warm up by the fire and got some cute Pics of the kids. Arlo was just so excited about the idea of sleeping in a hotel with Hay and ET that he could hardly contain himself, as you can see here

The kids gettin cozy by the fire

When we got to the homestead it was freezing, and I mean freezing cold so we all thought we needed to head over to the pool and hot tubs to get warmed up. We had so much fun. The pool was somewhere around 85 degrees and the hot tube was even warmer. Arlo and the kids loved playing and splashing around and we all took turns baking ourselves in the Sauna. (The adults that is!) That night we got a bunch of junk food from the local gas station and hung out in the room while the kids ran around like maniacs and we caught the last bit of star wars. Arlo was absolutely mesmerized by Darth Vador and cried when the show abruptly ended. He kept saying "I want more Darb Bador" it was sad but really funny at the same time. Sharing a room is a challenge! Lets just say between the cell phone call at midnight, and Heather and Eric's whispering & giggling we had some sleeping challenges. Clint ended up on the bathroom floor and I was wishing I was in there with him because I was sharing with Arlo who is the most insane sleeper ever to live. He must dream about gymnastics or acrobatic endeavors all night because that kid moves like crazy! The next morning we did all get a good laugh about the whispers they had no idea we were hearing and we all went to a very yummy breakfast in Heber. Except for Heather who had doughy pie. I think that about sums the trip up heres one more adorable pic of Arlo and Ethan listening to his ipod.


Keddington Chronicles said...

This looks like so much fun. We go to the homestead every Labor day, but I think the snow wouold add a very nice touch to the homestead. Tell Heather I said Hi! I know she's working now, and we've had a hard time catching up with each other. Hope you guys are doing great! -Angela- :)

Amber said...

That sounds like so much fun! That's a great idea for a gift. Was Clint sleeping, or barfing in the bathroom from so much junk food. You sure have a smart boy!

Bonnie said...

What a fun trip! Cute pics of the fam. Arlo cracks me up. I love that his digs Darth Vader, all boy he is! Love how he said "See that wasn't so bad" after sledding LOL