Friday, March 13, 2009

Hello little Baby

Below is a conversation Arlo and I had yesterday

Arlo:Mom I want you to fly me like uncle Eric

Mom: Well sweetie that is really hard for me. I am not as strong as uncle Eric

Arlo: Or daddy?

Mom: Right

Arlo: because your sick?

Mom: Well, a little bit

Arlo: And you are sick because we have a baby in your tummy?

Mom:Yes, I do have a baby in my tummy

Arlo: (Walks up to my tummy and puts his mouth right next to it) Hello little baby, Hello you are cute. We love you (Kisses my tummy)

I could have died of cuteness!


Amber said...

So cute!! He's going to be such a good big brother!

Bonnie said...

Jess, that is so cute! You are such a fabulous mom! I have learned a lot of what to do by hanging out with you and Arlo, you know appropriate ways to take care of kids, you love him sooo deeply. Thanks for working hard and finding Love and Logic and telling me about it for at least something to help me in this daunting task. This may sound silly but I am so proud of you as my oldest (not that you are old!) friend and what a beautiful little boy and life you have. Thanks for the chat yesterday. I hope we can hang out again sometime soon.

Rustin & Kelsi said...

That IS adorable! I also love the privacy blog! how hilarious. i can't believe you have # 2 coming!