Thursday, January 29, 2009

Curious George takes a fall

So yesterday we went to the library to return and pick out some new books. I decided that Arlo is about at the age where he'd probably start digging the Curious George books. So we loaded up on them & headed home. Arlo was eager to get reading, so we pulled one out about George and his new bike. We were happily reading along when the plot took a sudden twist. George was not paying attention to where he was going and needless to say took a little fall.. He bent the front wheel of his bike all up and was upsett & crying. The next thing I know Arlo burst into tears and is sobbing. I am wondering what is going on when he exclaims "George is sad and his bike is all broke up!" I quickly try to reassure Arlo that everything is going to be ok and that if we just turn the page things will start looking up for George. So we do and lo and behold he is still looking pretty bummed out. Arlo, at this point begins crying more and says, "No he's not mamma, he is still sad look" Thinking quick I skip a few pages ahead and everything is rosey again. Wow! I should have known he would have a special bond with George because he has a little "Georgie" that he got from his cousin Will and he sleeps with it every night. I guess I will have to screen the George books from this point.


Amber said...

I've gotten books from the library and they have crap endings! It kind of scars the kids a little. Don't read thumblina, it's got a perv in the story.

Bonnie said...

Oh, so cute! I will have to watch out for sad parts!!!