Saturday, September 12, 2009

Remembering 9-11 ...or Trying to

My great freind Bonnie had the idea to take the kids today to a special 9-11 memorial that was taking place in Sandy. We thought that even though they wouldn't understand it fully, it was a good opportunity to talk a bit about it and for Bonnie and I to take a minute to remember. Well, I don't think Arlo was feeling quite as patriotic about the whole thing as I was.... Heres some pics below

Mom trying to walk Arlo through the flags and Arlo-not having it

David taking pics with the soldiers (Arlo was off to the side clinging on my leg...)

Although my boy didn't get much out of it. I was glad I did something to take a moment, reflect, remember, and pay my respects. We took the boys to the park after and they had a great time. It was a great day!


The Rockin Robertsons said...

What a great idea...your little family is so cute.

Bonnie said...

I love your post about it! I haven't written about it yet. Arlo made me smile.