Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dilley Family Easter

We had a great Easter this year. We celebrated the fesitivities at my house with My Mom, Sister and her family and Clint's sister Claire who came in for a suprise visit from Georgia. We had so much fun!

On Easter morning the boys woke up and had to go on a search for their baskets. With a little help Arlo was able to find his and Dyl's. Dyl loved the basket experience and he also got a hold of a few treats..... Then Arlo and Dad had a sword fight with his new cape the easter bunny made him....

Dyl wanted to play too...Then the Fam came over for a day of easter egg hunting, music playing, baby browsing and eating. Who ever found the most eggs won some money...this is a great way to get the older kids into it. 1st prize winner was Hailey, 2nd prize Chase, tied for 3rd Ethan and Arlo. They had a lot of fun
Then the kids and hubby's played some music. We have quite a talented little family (myself excluded) they all can play something and they had a very successful rendition of Last Dance With Maryjane going....

Here are the babies...could they be any cuter????



Bonnie said...

such cute stuff! love the cape. The easter bunny did a great job!

Mindy Curtis said...

Yay! Happy Easter. Can I just say that Arlo is seriously the perfect blend of you and Clint? Cute parents make for cute kids!

Amber said...

Happy Easter! Jess, I just bought material for Zane.I'm going to make him a cape for his birthday. Did you have a patten, free hand it, or instructions. I found some on-line directions, but I'm a little nervous. The easter bunny is really talented! The cape is great!