Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday Dylan

Happy 6 Month Birthday Dyl

It has been a crazy but amazing 6 months. Life has changed so much since you got here. You little presence and personality keeps getting stronger as each day passes and none of us can imagine life with out you here. Some new things you have been up to....
Here you are sitting. This was taken March 21 a day before your 6 month birthday!
Here you are Army Crawling. (this was taken April 18 a few days before you were 5 months)You can get yourself around just about anywhere with a combo of rolling and doing a cute little army scoot. I have to watch you like a hawk these days. I have found you wedged under the couch or stuck in a corner on a few occasions.
Here is Dad and Arlo feeding you for the first time (March 2 your just over 5 months) We were so excited for this day we thought you would just love the baby food because your such a good eater and so hungry all of the time. Mom thought maybe she would get a bit of a rest in between feedings, but as you can see from the pics below, your not much of a fan of baby food. You tolerate it, but truth be told you would rather try and pick the lady bugs off of your high chair than eat.....
Things that make you the most happy
1. watching Arlo walk up the stairs - nothing makes you laugh harder
2. Arlo in general. You just light up when he walks in the room
3. Getting kisses on your tummy, feet and by your ears
4. Taking a bath- you have no fear and love to splash
5.people talking to are such a people person
6. holding a spoon. You seem to feel very powerful and love to chew

What your all about
You are changing everyday and we keep trying to figure out what kind of little boy we have on our hands. You are intense, You are loud, You don't have much patience and you know what you want. You are definately a Dilley-and you fit right in to our little family! You are a very happy, smiley, excitable, and loving little guy. You laugh a lot! You want to talk to us and you love to be carried. We are so excited you are ours. We love you happy birthday Dyl Dyl


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is 6 months old! I love the little notes/memories you share about him. I also love the crochet clips that you made. If you ever sell them, I would be very interested!

Bonnie said...

Love to hear the summary of little Dyl's new stuff. He really is becoming a little person already!

uncle lew said...

He is so cute Jess! How did he grow up so fast? And his hair is so light! I think I need to see him in person again. soon.
-amber (even though it says uncle lew)