Friday, March 30, 2012

Sibling Rivalry and other fun things to remember...

The boys have been cracking me up and making me crazy the last few days...had to get this all down so I wont forget.

A conversation Yesterday between me and Arlo;

Arlo: I think I have been 5 for a couple of years

Mom: Well actually it hasn't even been quite a year yet. You have a birthday every year and your birthday is in August; so thats about 5 months away. But I am not in a hurry for you to turn 6. I think I would like it if you would just stay my little 5 year old ok.

Arlo: Well mom, I want to turn 6 because I will get a lot smarter and stronger, and then I can protect you. And don't worry you can still give me all the kisses you want.

Man I love that kid!

Dylan's imagination is exploding lateley. in both his wakeful and sleeping state.... The other morning he woke up sobbing and yelling over and over

"Arlo ate my frogs he ate them! Stop eating my frogs Arlo!"

We had got a little bag of frogs at the dollar store the day before I am guessing those are what he was referring to.

He also has been screaming out on a few occasions

" I wanna watch it, let me watch it" over and over.

Maybe I oughta let up on the movie viewing just a bit....

He has also been really into looking at books on his own. He has done this for quite a while now, which is great but lateley he has been breaking out into hysterics because of the content. The other morning he was looking at winnie the pooh and he started sobbing. He brought the book over to me and said

"Momma, pooh is sad look. Why he sad momma? because he lost his honey? look momma he's falling, pick him up pick him up!"

Then this morning again he was looking at a big brown bear book and started crying because the bear fell off a ladder and paint dropped on his head. I remember Arlo did a similar thing around Dyl's age. We couldnt read or watch anything involving Curious George because he tended to get into little catastrophes which made Arlo so sad for George. I think it is the cutest thing.

The other morning we were shopping in target and Dylan was happily eating some animal crackers when he looked at them and said

"Momma, these are animal's. These animals are dead, now I will eat them."

Today I was having a not so good momma moment. The boys have been crazy with the fighting lately and it has been making me crazy. Intellectually I know that fighting is something they are going to do, and that it is completely normal. It doesn't mean they are going to hate eachother for life and have problems in relationships. Heck, Heather and I about killed eachother a few times and now she is the person I am closest to in the whole world, other than my husband. We cant go more than a few hours without talking to eachother. I am sure Dyl and Arlo will be the same. They love eachother fiercely and seem to have parts of their personalities that complement one another, and at times also clash. They are like fire and ice. But just when I get frustrated, the tides turn and they are doing everything together and playing great. I don't know why I get so worked up when they have a bad couple of days, but I do. I just am so invested in them and their relationship with eachother ( which is a problem, I know I am working on it...)
So today I had just dealt with one fight to many and plopped down on the couch in a puddle of tears. The next thing I know Arlo, my little tender heart is plopped down next to me crying as well. Yes, I did feel horrible. Yes I am a weak momma at times. The next thing I know Dyl comes over, plops his little body on the couch and yells out " I am PISSED OFF!!!" Arlo and I looked at eachother through our snotty tears and just started cracking up. Dyl, loving the attention just kept yelling it over and over. The good news; I felt a lot better! we all made up and were reading stories. The bad news, I am emotionally scarring my 5 year old by crying in front of him over him and his brother fighting, and I am teaching my 2 year old choice phrases like the one described above. Mom gets an A today....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jess! I keep telling you this, but you are such a cute Mom! I love reading your blog...but I need to read and blog myself more often! I just saw your comment on my blog about meeting Luke at the ball park. My girls were so excited to come home and tell me that they had seen you. "Mom, we met one of your good friends all the way from high school." I think that Dylan and Luke remind me so much of each other. The obvious blonde and piercing blue eyes...and the pure exhaustion that they cause their mothers!!! It was so great to hear from you!