Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eggs and Cookies with friends....

The week before easter my friend Bonnie and I decided to have a day of Easter Festivities. We Dyed eggs and frosted cookies with the boys. A few lessons learned; 1. Easter egg dye stains its a good idea to do it outside 2. 3 year olds and cookie toppers don't mix. You need to give them a limited amount so they can poor to their hearts content. We actually had a great time. Arlo Loved dying the eggs. He was so fascinated about how it all workded. Here is our finished product below
Arlo and David Frosting the cookies.....Arlo eating the frosting....Arlo & David Dying the eggs....
We had a great day!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

It was a fab day! Except when preggo girls spill the pink dye eeek! We should have been outside just for my sake he he