Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Best Big Boy!

Wow here we are again and another year has passed. You are already four. I feel like I blinked and it happened. It has been quite a year. Three was filled with a lot of ups and downs and in betweens. You really kept me on my toes this year. You were definately trying to figure your little three year old self out and through the process, put me through it at times. Your fire, drive, and intellegence are quite a lot to contend with little man! You have grown up so much and have turned into such a thoughtful, helpful and respectful boy. I couldnt feel more thankful that we have you. Some things that have developed in you this year;

You are a fierce protector and Mom's best ally. If you think that anyone, including Daddy is messing with me, you will jump in and let them have it. You are the same way with your little Brother Dyl and your best friends. Anyone who has you in their court will have a loyal friend who is true to the end.

You have turned into a very rational, logical little guy. as you have gotten closer to four, you have started to really try and take a step back, think things through, and look for your responsibility in things. You are starting to put yourself in other peoples shoes. You have realized your wrong doing on many occasions and came to Mom and Dad to make things right.

Your curiosity for new things is endless. This was something I talked about when you were three and you are still the same way. When you find something you want to know about, you have to find out every single detail about it. This year it has been Batman & Spiderman. Also any type of wild cat (jaguars, leopards etc) you still love to learn about Dinosaurs as well.

You are a great student. When I watch you in your preschool class I am so proud. You are very respectful to your teachers. You pay attention so well and always follow directions. You are very helpful to your friends and teachers.

You have a great imagination and can play by yourself for a long period of time. You also have great ideas about what to do when you are playing with your friends.

You learning empathy. You do not like to see those you love sad or in pain. Since mom has hurt her back you have been my best little buddy. It makes you so sad when I am sad or don't feel good and you are always quick to come give me a hug and ask me what you can do. You cant stand to see Dyl get hurt. When he got his shots at the Dr's, you cried with him. You are a thoughtful little guy. Sometimes I forget just how sensitive you are.

These are the new things I have seen in you this year. You are such a great little boy and Mom, Dad and Dyl love you so much. Happy Birthday buddy.

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