Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas...A bit late

Well We had a great Christmas this year. here's some highlights of the blessed day...
*Christmas morning*
Arlo really got into it this year and when he woke up and saw all of the presents under the tree his reaction was priceless. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he exclaimed "Whoa! Santa brought lots of Presents!" before opening each present he would look up at mom and dad and say "what is this?" and then rip into everything. After all the presents were opened Ginger had a great time eating all of the wrapping paper, and Arlo and dad played and played with his new train set.
*Grandma & Grandpa Dilley's *
We usually have a tradition of sleeping over on Christmas Eve and waking up with Erin & Will, Dar and Grandma & Grandpa Dilley to open presents. This was our first year not to do it since we have been married. As we get more family members, it makes it harder to transport everything. We missed it. But we did try to get over as early as we could christmas day and see what everyone got and then Arlo was thrilled to get a new guitar and Dump truck!
*Great Grandma Richards house*
She is the Grandma everyone wants to have. She is cute,rosy, thoughtful and funny! She just has this way of making everyone around her feel special. I love her cooking-especially her twice baked potatoes; which are the best thing I have ever eaten. As she gets older it is harder for her to put on the Christmas extravaganza but she still keeps doing it. One of my favorite things is every year she decorates her Christmas tree with candy, all different types and then she puts envelopes on the tree for each grand kid and great grand kid. You get to hunt for your envelope that has money in it and also pick out something yummy. I just love this tradition. Grandma Richards Rocks!
* The Hanson's*
Had some fun with Heather and the fam and Grandma Georgette. Arlo had a blast playing with the kids and all of their new toys, actually Mom did to. We did some dance revolution and ate some more food. We attempted to watch a Christmas movie which was not going to well. Clint got Ginger out of our hair to make the movie viewing experience more enjoyable since she is quite possibly the most hyper dog in existence. He decided to take her on a walk, but half way in it started snowing, actually it was more like a blizzard. So... he ended up walking backwards while carrying her on the way back.
Well that is pretty much our Christmas day The End!!!!

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