Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 2009

Well, here it is 2009 and time yet again to make resolutions! I think this year I am going to just get a plaque made since they seem to be the same ones. (Should this be telling me something about myself, or do resolutions just not work????) I am always optimistic about the whole resolution thing, but I just seem to fall short of actually reaching any of the goals I set. The good news is we did have a great New Years. We celebrated with my Aunt Keri & Toni and my Sis of course (all our families were there to!) We played lots of games and tried out rock band which was actually a blast. Arlo made it until 11:30 which was a shocker since he has never stayed up anywhere near that late in his life. I felt kind of like it was child abuse or something but the kid was having a blast with his guitar playing so we all just lost track of time. Clint and I made it home just in time to put the baby to bed and watch Dick Clark and the ball drop and give each other a New Years kiss. Then we were both out like lights! OK, so here is the inevitable resolution list.

Be Nice...Well what I mean is, like Amber's cousin so eloquently put it, everyone has a story. The older I get the more this resonates. I can remember so many times making judgements about people only to find later when I was actually going through similar things that it was A lot harder than I thought and yes, I was doing the same or even worse things! so what is the lesson here? BE NICE

Be Quiet...This is a resolution I am sure to fail at but I figure maybe if I do this one in increments I have a shot at least at improving. I am always quick to say what is on my mind at any given moment. Am I honest, yes! Do people want my honesty? NO. Why would they? I sure as heck don't want peoples honest opinion, sometimes you just don't want an opinion ya know what I'm sayin?

Be Patient...Well, I think when I was created the patient god was out to lunch or something. It seems that I really lack in this department and this is a big problem with a two year old and a puppy. I feel so good about myself when I am able to overcome my natural impatient tendencies and just let Arlo take his time, let us both. It is a better way to be. I will continue to work on this

Be loving...So here's the deal. I think this one is just for me. I don't have a problem being loving to my family or friends..In fact I think I could lay off a little. I know Arlo gets sick of hearing I love you and me squishing his cute little body so much, but I need to work on being loving to myself. It sounds pretty easy. I mean how can it be that hard??? Well, it seems to be for me. I think learning this is essential to living a good life and getting the most out of my relationships. When momma ain't happy, no one is happy you know what I'm saying?

Be Positive...Ya, if things are going my way this one is not a problem. I am the happiest most energetic girl in the world. I need to learn how to roll with the punches. Because I find that with age and children, you seem to get punched a lot. What really tells you about a person is how they handle things when the going gets ruff. Clint is very good with this one, and I respect him so much for it. He has grown up a lot since we had Arlo and I am still a bit behind. He is so good at making the best with the given circumstances, no matter what they are. I know that our children will see that in him and learn a great deal from it. I want my children to be able to say the same about me.

Live on a budget... this is the one that we should just get a plaque for and mount the damn thing to the wall. We aren't big spenders. We always pay bills on time -thanks to my super efficient hubby, but I just cant seem to make the crossover to budget living. I know this is ultimately the only way to really take control of your money and let it work for you!-can you tell I am a Dave Ramsey fan?

Lose 15 pounds....Another one for the plaque. All I can say is... I love food a lot! hmmm. How to overcome this?

Well that about wraps things up. Maybe the act of writing this pretty little list will get the wheels in motion.


Bonnie said...

I think it is great you posted your goals on the blog. I should too!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your resolutions, you put humor in everything you write. We used to be Dave Ramsey fans, but we burned all his books!!!