Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bath Time

Dylan had his first bath and it was a success! It was so fun to see his cute little expressions. I am having a great time with him in this new born stage. He is so sweet and innocent, and because I have done it before I find that I am able to really enjoy it instead of feeling nervous all of the time about what I am doing. Arlo even helped put some lotion on him.


Bonnie said...

I love how Arlo can help with bath time! The newborn pics are just so beautiful! He is a sweetie.

Amber said...

Dylan looks so little compared to Arlo. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Nicole relayed the mall story to me, you poor girl!

Anonymous said...

This is such precious time, isn't it? Glad you're enjoying it!

Nicole said...

It's so nice to have a little helper isn't it? I love the first picture, his expression is priceless!

Sarah said...

So cute. I know exactly what you mean. I thought it got easier with each baby. I thought the third was the easiest. He is adorable. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

S said...

Cute pics of baby Dylan. Arlo must a good helper...