With much anticipation...and swelling of various body parts, baby Dylan is finally here! He was born on Tuesday September 22 at 5:10 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and is beautiful! I couln't have had a smoother delivery, which was such a relief after what I went through with Arlo. Clint and I were both suprised that I didn't go early, since with Arlo I was 10 days early. I actually had to get induced to avoid my Dr. going out of town. I arrived at the hospital at 10:30 and was checked in to the birthing room by 11:00. For the first while I had to be on an antibiotic for testing positive for strep B. by 12:30 they put me on pitocin and at 2:00 the Dr. broke my water. At first I wasn't having any contractions so I just told the nurse I would let her know when I wanted an epidural. This was a mistake! I should have gotten the drugs right when my water was broken. within 5 minutes I went from little to no contractions, to major intense contractions. I endured these for only about 30 minutes thank goodness for epidurals! after that it was smooth sailing. By 5 I had a feeling I was ready to go. I could feel a lot of pressure and asked my nurse to check me. Good thing I did! I was fully efaced and dialated and ready to have a baby. My Dr. came in and I started pushing at 5:07. After 3 pushes (at 5:10) Dylan was here. It was unbelievable! I couldn't believe how easy it was. It was crazy that I was able to deliver such a big boy with no problems. both my Dr and I were shocked by his size. By my measurements he thought that Dylan would be about the same size as Arlo when he was born. I finally have a baby with some chub! he is so cute. He looks so much like Arlo did when he was born. Welcome to the family Dylan! we are so happy your here
What a cute little guy! I'm so happy for you guys! I think it must be the name Dylan, because my delivery story is almost the exact same as yours (my first was even bad and too long)! Yay for our Dylan's making delivery easy :)
Soooo cute, Jess! Congratulations on your new addition. You have such a cute family. I am so happy the delivery went so smooth for you. Having 4 kids gave me lots of experience with delivery and I've had the extreme easy and the totally natural and I say the smoother the better!!!! Good for you!!
Look at all of that dark hair! You are right, he is beautiful. I hope you get lots of rest and enjoy this time that seems to go by so quickly! CONGRATULATIONS!
Yahooo! He's here! Congrats! I'm excited to hear about all the fun stories and how much Arlo loves him. I really would like to some meet the sweet guy. Our family has had coughs and colds, so I will not spread the germs to you, but hopefully we will come visit soon! Congrats again! He's adorable!
Congrats!! I play softball right by your house and saw the writing on your window of Welcome Baby Dylan!! That is how I found out. Glad everything is going great for you. He is a doll!
What a cute little guy! I'm so happy for you guys! I think it must be the name Dylan, because my delivery story is almost the exact same as yours (my first was even bad and too long)! Yay for our Dylan's making delivery easy :)
Congrats Dilley Fam!! I'm so happy for you guys!!
Soooo cute, Jess! Congratulations on your new addition. You have such a cute family. I am so happy the delivery went so smooth for you. Having 4 kids gave me lots of experience with delivery and I've had the extreme easy and the totally natural and I say the smoother the better!!!! Good for you!!
Congratulations, I'm so excited for you! I had no idea you were due so soon (I guess it goes by much faster when it's not you). He's beautiful!
CONGRATS!!!!! What a beautiful little guy. Well, maybe not so little, but definitely beautiful!! I'm happy for you guys!!!!
Look at all of that dark hair! You are right, he is beautiful. I hope you get lots of rest and enjoy this time that seems to go by so quickly! CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh Jessica! He is so sweet! Congrats! Me and your new little man share a birthday, and know that its a super great day! :)
Yahooo! He's here! Congrats! I'm excited to hear about all the fun stories and how much Arlo loves him. I really would like to some meet the sweet guy. Our family has had coughs and colds, so I will not spread the germs to you, but hopefully we will come visit soon! Congrats again! He's adorable!
He is so beautiful! I'm so excited for you and glad everything went so well!
Congrats!! I play softball right by your house and saw the writing on your window of Welcome Baby Dylan!! That is how I found out. Glad everything is going great for you. He is a doll!
Jess congrats! He is so beautiful!
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