Sunday, March 28, 2010

Arlo's funny comments

This week we have had so many classic Arlo comments I am having hard keeping up. Here are a few gems.....

"I really don't like Whining, but sometimes I need to so I can get what I want."

"Mom, you put the edge on River's blanket. It's Perfect!"

"Ok Mom, fine you can have Rachet (a transformer) again...why do you need to be so obsessed?"


Lily Magnolia said...


Melissa said...

what a turd! I am glad however, that Arlo has picked up that you are a minor control freak and like to have things a certain way, even if it means he has to give up his favorite toy to make YOU happy. :)

Hadley said...

I feel the same way about whining. Haha! That's awesome!