Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I just ate a cake, the baby said momma, and our house was hit by a car

Well, as you can see from the above title a lot has been going on at the Dilley House. First of all yes I have in fact just eaten 3 pieces of chocolate cake in one sitting....and I seem to want more. I have not had the best of days. My little guy Arlo is putting me through it and I am yet again discouraged. I feel like a huge mom failure. I love him so much and I just want to do everything right to insure he is a happy, well adjusted, well behaved and respectful. I feel like I will just turn a huge corner with him and he is doing great and then we will have a few days like the ones I have just had. He all of the sudden has discovered he can talk back and tell me a lot of what he is not going to do...and what he is going to do to me if I don't let him have his way. I really don't take well to being talked back to... and this little guy has a lot of ideas, about everything! It can be so exhausting.
He really responds great when he has very firm limits that are set in a respectful non emotional way. The problem -It's hard to be Gandhi every day. I am such a far cry from the guy. I am a fiery high intensity individual, and so is my Son. I guess this is a work in progress for the 3 year old and mom. I will keep trying!!!

Also, last Tuesday our house was in fact hit by a car. A jeep Liberty to be exact. I was just heading out the door to take Arlo to his T-ball game. Luckily, I realized I had forgotten the treats I made for the team and turned around to get them. Suddenly, there was a loud horrible sound and the entire house vibrated, enough to knock me and Dyl over. Both kids were very upset and crying. I thought that there must have been an earthquake. I scooted over to the window to take a look and instead of seeing the street split in two, I saw a jeep on my porch. It was really smashed up. The windshield was shattered and the front end was totalled. I could see an older man in there who didn't appear to be conscious. After freaking out a bit, I ran to try and locate my phone to dial 911 but was so panicked I couldn't find it. Next I ran outside to see if he was OK. I had a screaming baby in my arms and was trying to navigate to the door through all of the broken glass and car parts strewn about. Luckily two women from next door ( who were nurses) ran over and knew just what to do. They told me to go inside and calm the kids down and look for my phone and they would help the man. So after getting us all calmed down a bit, and still not finding my phone we went outside so I could run to a neighbors and call. Luckily a woman who was walking outside had seen the entire thing and had already called the police. LONG story late, The man was OK but really hurt. He has just gotten out of intensive care. He broke all of his ribs, an ankle, and his arm. They are still trying to determine what happened. He had a black out related to a medical issue and last I heard they thought it may have been a medication he was on that had a bad side effect. We need to get our porch replaced and we continue to find cracks in the house due to the car hitting it so hard. Clint is in the process of getting some quotes to get the house inspected so we can figure out what type of damage we are looking at. that has been fun

On a lighter note Little Dyl Dyl said Mama for the first time on Mothers day. It was the cutest thing ever. He crawled over to me, pulled himself up on my leg and said "Mama" clear as day. The best Mom's day gift ever. Also, despite my relapse with the chocolate cake I have lost 29 lbs and have 8 more to go to reach my goal. So that is very exciting. Hopefully I can stick with it to get those last pesky pounds off. That about sums things up...thanks for listening, or leaving my blog to read a more uplifting one.... I really needed to vent.


uncle lew said...

What the????

A. So sorry about the house/car collision. What a shocker!? So is the whole porch ruined? Oh, man that really sucks about cracks in the house. ugh.

B. Yea for Dylan! That is a great mother's day gift.

C. Dude, you have lost that much weight? Where? I think you looked great the last time I saw you. Congrats though, that is an accomplishment!


Bonnie said...

It was great to hang out today. I know youguys had had a day of it so thanks for fitting us in. We love that Arlo kid and you are doing a great job with him. Hang in there my friend!

Sarah said...

What Jess, that's crazy about the har hittig your house. I'm glad you're okay and that you guys weren't outside to get hurt at that time.

That's so great that you've lost so much weight. How have you done it? I really need to lose a few myself.....

Anonymous said...

From the sound of this post I am surprised you did not eat seventeen pieces of chocolate cake! You would have deserved it!

Keddington Chronicles said...

So, I want to know what you've been doing for the weight loss? I tell myself I'm going to try, and it is SO HARD!!!! The exercise part is easy for me, the diet part? well????? ALso, How totally sweet that Dylan said Mama on Mother's day. That is so cute!!! Hang in there with Arlo. I remember those days. I think K'Lynn was and still is similiar in personality to that. They're great older kids (and great younger as well). It just makes for some high intensity in the early years because I think they handle life better when they have more things to do (school, activities, etc). Hang in there, and don't be too hard on yourself. and hey, enjoy the cake sometimes. It's worth it. Way to go on the weight loss. That is really good.
CRAZY about the house. I remember a car going into my grandparents yard when we were little. It was so scary. I'm glad no one was hurt.

Mindy Curtis said...

Oh my heavens! Wow! No one should have to experience their house being hit by a car. I'm glad you were there to help the guy.

Don't fret about the cake, it happens and I know you are an amazing mom! Congrats on all the weight loss. You are inspiring to me. :)

S said...

I can't beleive your house was hit by a car. That is awful and stupid. Hope it can all be fixed and paid for by the insurance.
Being the good mom all the time is hard. I am glad for time out because both my girls like to tell me no, and if it weren't for time out I would lose it.