Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm Gonna be a Runner

Ok, I am committing in front of the whole entire world again...he he ok, the few of you who read my blog. I am going to start training to run a 1/2 marathon. I have been looking around for a good starter run and I found one that takes place in Layton in October. It says the run is not super difficult and I think that would give me enough time to get it together. I am going to start small with a 5k in june and then a 10k in august. I have always wanted to do this and the thing is I'm not getting any younger, less tired or finding more time available. I figure I need to start NOW. So any of you who are runners, and I know quite a few of you are, I need tips! I have been researching how to train etc. but there are a lot of different things out there. If you have found something that has worked for you please share.


Mindy Curtis said...

Yay for you! You should do the 24th of July 5k or 10k. I'm doing the marathon that day (because I am nuts!).

Also, this is a great book!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you! Which 1/2 marathon are you going to do in Layton? I have found a lot of helpful hints from, and from I think that the interval training has helped me the most. We are currently training for the Wasatch Back, which is sponsored by Ragnar. If you want more information about that I can send it to you, it is a team event and SO much fun! Good luck with your running!

Amber said...

Hey Jess. Dude, your doing so good. I'm not a good long distance runner, so I can't really give you advice about that business. I'm proud of you, that is really hard. I couldn't do it. My tip.. keep running and go further. ha.