Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Heres to a good New Year!

So glad its the new year! I feel like It is time for a fresh start and a great year. Things have been going good around here. It has settled down since all of the holiday festivities. I am trying to keep my resolutions simple this year. I always have so many things I want to do... but here are my top ones

Activity- I want to focus on more activity for myself and also the family. I have been a bit overwhelmed by this one since the surgery. Right before it happened I was doing so great with my physical activity, I was training for my 1/2 marathon and never felt better. I want to slowly see if I can work back, even if it's not running.

Nutrition-this is a big one. I am kind of jaggy with this. I just want to try and implement permanant changes to my families diet. I want all of us to get nutritious well rounded meals.

Parenting- I want to strive to learn all I can about how to raise my boys right and become a better mom. My goal is to read a book every olther month on parenting. I want to make sure I am keeping with my goals for the boys on screen time. For Dyl it's none and Arlo its 6 hours a week. We do pretty good around here with it. This is one I feel really strongly about.

I think I will stop there. I would like to do a lot more, but I know if I bog myself down I will likely not be able to stick to it....So anyhoo. thats the list. I have started out good. I have tried to do some form of excercise every day and I have been really focusing on getting the boys moving, even if it's dancing in the livingroom or running laps around the house. So far so good. I have been switching between the eliptical and the stationary bike. Doesnt hold a candle to running, but it's something. I tried my first Yoga class last night and that was a bit discouraging. I have a hard time doing most of it, which used to be a breeze before all of this. I talked with the teacher after to see what modifications I can make and she was very helpful. I am thinking I need to start with a senior yoga class or something...I think the most important thing right now is just do something. Got to start somewhere right


Sarah said...

I'm impressed with your goals, they're great ones. Your family pic is sooooo cute. You look great!

Mindy Curtis said...

Happy New Year! I hope it's fabulous for you!

Amber said...

Your such a good mom Jess! I like the one about the tv time as well. That is so hard. I applaud you for setting such good goals for yourself and the boys. Hey, do you wanna hang out on Monday with Cass and Nicole. E-mail me if you are free!!!