Saturday, February 6, 2010

Moms Night

So, things around here have been pretty crazy since Dylan has been born. He is almost 5 months and I still feel like I am spinning a bit. In many aspects I think we have finally adjusted and things are going pretty well. Arlo is doing great. He has been a such a good streak for about the past month and has been such a thoughtful helpful little guy.We absolutely love little Dyl's happy personality, so why do I still feel a bit nuts? Well, no sleep-and I mean NO SLEEP will do that to ya! I thought that as time went on things were supposed to get better in that department, not worse. Last month we all had colds we couldn't seem to get rid of and during that time Dyl was waking up like 10-15 times a night (not exaggerating here) and I figured it was due to the fact that he couldn't breath with the stuffy nose at all. Well, the colds are all gone but the waking baby is here to stay. Dyl is still waking up like every hour ALL NIGHT LONG!!! HELP-that is all I can say people. I have turned into a walking zombie. I am not sure what the Heck is going on but it has got to stop-soon. Well last week the height of crazy seemed to hit for me. Clint had been working around the clock to get a project at work done and I was just worn out!! After the insane week my very thoughtful hubs gave me the best gift anyone in the whole wide world could give me-yep you guessed it a night of uninterrupted sleep. I got to book a room at Little America and go there all by myself! I also scheduled a hair appointment and a facial and just decided to make a day of pampering out of it. I had the absolute best time. I am back and rested for the first time in a month. It was SOOOOOO NICE!!! and so needed. I love my husband for giving me the gift of sleep, cute hair and sanity. I am back home loving my boys and my hubs.

PS-Current weight loss 12.5 lbs Yay!


Amber said...

Oh my, what a wonderful gift! After having a baby that is the best gift ever. I heard on the radio that this guy wanted to know what to get his wife for Valentines. They had a 3 month old and he wanted to give her lingere to start up the fireworks. He needs to talk to Clint.

S said...

Yay for sleep. We have the cold going on also. Last night I slept in R's bunk bed and she slept in the bed with P because she was crying. But we don't have kids up every hour. I feel for you.

Mindy Curtis said...

Congrats on your weight loss and night away. You deserve it!